History of the Council
The Ouachita Voluntary Council on Aging was established by charter on June 28, 1967 and is a private non-profit agency with 501(c)(3) status. In 1980, the Ouachita Council on Aging was also designated as the Area Agency on Aging for Ouachita Parish Planning and Service Area (PSA) and, as such, it conducts needs assessments, studies these needs, sets priorities for services, writes a plan for services (Area Plan), and conducts public hearings to receive the public input for its plan.
The Ouachita Council on Aging/Area Agency on Aging receives federal and state funding under the Older Americans Act to administer some twenty-two programs for elderly persons (age 60+) parish wide. Other sources of funding are United Way of Northeast Louisiana, contributions from program participants, and donations from concerned individuals and groups in our community. OCA is an advocate for senior citizens and operates Carolyn Rose Strauss Senior Center and 12 other satellite/dining sites in this parish, as well as contracting for services with West Ouachita Senior Center in West Monroe, and SCORE (Senior Citizens OutReach Entity), which is located in Richwood, La.